Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Saga of Ref the Sly

Although I am glad that the semester is winding down, i'm a little sad that this is the end of my journey through the sagas.
This last saga was a very entertaining one. I thought it was interesting how many of the themes we have seen in the previous saga once again made an appearance. For example there was poetry, foreshadowing/fate, revenge, and the giving of gifts to secure friendships. The foreshadowing occured when King Harald said that if Bard went on the journey, he wouldn't be coming back. Even though the King told them how to go about bringing down Ref's fortress, Bard's fate was still sealed and he was killed by Ref.
One thing that i thought was a little unfair was the treatment of Ref. It seemed to me that he never actually did anything wrong, that his actions were usually justified. He may have killed 5 men, but those men had first of all allowed their animals to graze on his land, then secondly spread a rumor that he was gay. And another time he killed a man who was trying to rape his wife. Both of these times he acts out of revenge, yes, but he is giving these people what they deserve, at least according to the Viking custom of killing out of revenge.
Throughout the many sagas we have read, there has been this same sort of conflict: is the person justified in their actions or not? I must still have lots to learn about the laws of the Vikings, because it seems to me that you can never tell if a killing will be acceptable by the public or not.

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